UnpacMe Weekly: Maintenance & Bug Hunting
This week we have updated configuration extractors for FormBook, NetWire, and RecordBreaker (RaccoonStealer).

This week we have been focused on maintenance and bug hunting to keep the code gremlins to a minimum. We've made several updates to improve performance and responsiveness; these were mainly focused on the unpacking workflow to speed up processing of several categories of submissions. We've also addressed some bugs with configuration extraction uncovered through testing this past week, and some issues with the malware feed.
In addition to maintenance work, we've updated a few extractors, such as FormBook and NetWire to improve coverage. We've also deployed a new config extractor for RaccoonStealer (aka RecordBreaker) as shown in the example below.

As always if you have any issues or questions with the service, please feel free to reach out.
Happy Unpacking!